Biogas Project

Biogas Project

To reduce pressure on fire wood Consumption we support biogas project as one of our environmental Conservation project. We have one biogas system at our site which is a true example on how we can make our only planet look green every single day. This project will be disseminated to other stakeholders to ensure the whole village is engaged and well involved in Conservation projects. Its amazing to use animal remains to produce such a strong source of energy and save millions of trees and get an endless ecosystem services. We truly investing, exploring and conserving our natural wonders, Every single species of a living organism matters a lot for us.

Mission & Vision

Our Vision: To introduce and develop api-cultural tourism and other related tourism activities, Nature Conservation and sustainable use of natural resources

Our Mission: Improvement of Beekeeping practices through innovations and creativity for the benefit of mankind and environment

Why invest on bees

The fuel of all forests that exist to provide habitats for all wildlife is pollination process, 80% of that pollination is done by bees, we honor bees as source of life and the world we have today and that's why we invest, explore and Conserve our natural wonders in the name of bees

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