Nature’s Value Addition

Briquette Making

Briquette making is a revolutionary step toward environmental conservation and sustainable resource utilization. This innovative approach transforms agricultural and organic waste such as sawdust, crop residues, and biomass into eco-friendly briquettes, providing a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to traditional charcoal. By reducing dependency on deforestation-driven charcoal production, briquettes contribute significantly to the preservation of natural forests, biodiversity, and the overall health of our ecosystems.
Our mission is to empower individuals and communities to embrace this transformative solution. We provide access to modern, easy-to-use briquette-making machines and offer training on their operation to ensure maximum efficiency. With these tools, anyone can convert locally available waste materials into a valuable energy source, reducing environmental degradation while promoting economic opportunities. Whether you're an environmental enthusiast, a community leader, or a farmer, our resources and support will enable you to contribute to the fight against climate change and deforestation.
Together, we can create a greener future by adopting alternative energy solutions that preserve nature while meeting daily energy needs sustainably.

Mission & Vision

Our Vision: To introduce and develop api-cultural tourism and other related tourism activities, Nature Conservation and sustainable use of natural resources

Our Mission: Improvement of Beekeeping practices through innovations and creativity for the benefit of mankind and environment

Why invest on bees

The fuel of all forests that exist to provide habitats for all wildlife is pollination process, 80% of that pollination is done by bees, we honor bees as source of life and the world we have today and that's why we invest, explore and Conserve our natural wonders in the name of bees

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